Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good day everyone!
Well, it's getting closer to the holidays and the world keeps getting crazier.
Just got back from shopping and there were at least 4 people of different ages wearing there PJs in the store!
Whatzup with that? Take it, I have been known to wear my house shoes to work but that's just because I just forget to change shoes...that and I'm a little unbalanced....but I have NEVER forgotten to take off my PJ's and put on regular clothes before leaving the house!!!
One lady had her hair up in rollers, wearing fuzzy house shoes and bath robe that snaps up the front pushing a shopping cart full of groceries! Whats wrong with her! And why , in the name of all that's sane, didn't some member of her family stop her before she ever put one foot outside the door of her house? Should we stop these people and say, "Excuse me, but do you know you are walking around in your pajamas? Maybe they just don't know they have their pajamas on? I know last year I went shopping and ran into one of my friends in the isle of Wal mart, we talked for a long time, then I went to Target and ran into two friends from church and we chatted a little and then went and got a hair cut, came home, went to the bathroom to tinkle AND MY JEANS WERE UNZIPPED! NOT ONE OF MY FRIENDS TOLD ME! I was so embarrassed. I could not believe that not one of those knuckleheads told me my zipper was down....Where was I going with this?...Oh yeah, this world is geting crazy!

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